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Tips to avoid Cancer

Cancer or cancer, as we all know, is a fatal disease. Very few lucky people managed to save his life after the disease are. Today the Medical Science has developed well, but still failed to overcome Cancer is complete. Most Rogiyo Cancer is diagnosed after the disease spreading further and treat the cause of the delay is difficult to conquer this.

Tips to avoid Cancer

Some Tips to Avoid Cancer is given below:

Regular checks / Regular Medical Check Up: regularly checked by your doctor from time to time are chosen. Regularly check to stomach, skin, uterus cancer early detection of Ityadi may be triggered too quickly and the cure before the disease outbreak can be cured. According to your age, your doctor should check how often and which should be disclosed. Your mom and dad if their birthday instead of an expensive gift each year on their birthday to get his complete physical examination even then it would be the greatest gift. Remember - the first luxury "Nirogikaya"!

Lactation / Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding has many advantages. Breast feeding infant receiving adequate nutrition and disease-resistant element is the mother of breastfeeding on the risk of Cancer of the breast is extremely low. Therefore it is important for your baby's parents must be made at least the first 6 months of breastfeeding.

Smoking / Smoking: Smoking, chewing tobacco and substance abuse, and more harmful to the body stops. The smoker Lung, Bladder, Cervix Cancer of the Kidney can be. Tobacco intake mouth and Swadupind / Pancreas Cancer of the possible. If you're not smoking, but smoking cigarettes on the person standing next to you or BD fumes may Lung Cancer. Intake of alcohol can also increase the risk of Cancer.

Sun-protection / Protection from Sun-rays: your skin from 10am to 4pm and to protect from strong sunlight. The gentle morning sun is beneficial to the skin, the skin should defend the afternoon strong sun. If you get out in the sun is hard Sunscreen lotion (SPF> 30) to use. This is your protection from dangerous UVA and UVB rays. The glasses / Sunglasses and hats / Cap to be used.
Active / Be Active: Always leave laziness kept active and hold regular habit of exercise. It will keep you healthy, and the sweat of your Rogpratikar power Bdengi deadly fluid to exit the body.
Housed in weight control / Control Weight: keeping your weight under control. Your BMI 25 Kg / m² should be less. The person who is regularly active and weighing control, those individuals is reduced 40% in the risk of Cancer.
Immunity Lsikrn / Get Immunized: according to your doctor's advice Hepatitis B and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) immunization of Lsikrn should be. Hepatitis B in Liver Cancer can be caused. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Cervical or Genital Cancer can be caused.
Safe sex / Safe Sex: Always keep safe sex and had sexual relations with at least one. HIV by having unprotected sex and HPV infections can occur in some Anus, Liver, Lung, Penis, Vagina and of Throat Cancer can be.

Check unnecessarily forbid / Avoid Unnecessary Scans: CT Scan is a very useful test in this investigation due to the large volumes of the Blood Cancer Radiation is prone. Repeated MRI instead of CT Scan safety check should include.

Water / Water: Always clean and pure water used for drinking it. Always use a filter to the water. Plastic bottle of water to the collection area to use Stainless Steel or Glass. Cancer caused by BPA Chemical in Plastic bottle can be used. Should drink plenty of water. There is drinking water from the cleaning of our body and unnecessary material is removed from the body with urine.

Mobile phone caution: many scientists have claimed, Mobile phone released by Radio Frequency Energy may increase the risk of Cancer. Mobile Phone as a precautionary measure, we should avoid unnecessarily much time to talk. Mobile phone away from your head to bed should take.

Diet / Diet: Always clean, pure and balanced diet should take. Pesticide used in much of the diet should not use substances. More than 40 cancer-factor / Carcinogens Pesticides are found in. Microwave access to minimum. Diet green vegetables, fruits, whole grains / whole grain to include. Found in the shop ready to reducing the use of vegetable.

It is the best treatment of Cancer Prevention. Cancer in the early stages can be easily treated.


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