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Best oils to reduce stretch marks

There is the problem of women after pregnancy stretch marks. These are stains that after giving birth, women are seen primarily on the part of the stomach. Some other factors such as a sudden drop in weight, weight gain and go to the gym because of the legs, arms, breasts and stretch marks on the reverse also fall. These stains are on your mind and nervous tension, but also to recover the natural oils you can use.

Women who are facing this problem, they should avoid wearing skimpy outfit. Many brands have seen it with cream or lotion, but they did not yield. These stubborn stains to remove natural oils are your true companion.

Natural Oils

Rosemary oil

Take Rosemary oil and mix it with almond oil. Mix these two equal amounts and then massage on the stomach. 15 minutes or so and then leave to do massage. Repeat this process daily to see the changes in the stain. The procedure for tightening loose skin is also quite good.

olive oil

Stretch Marks, which removes the natural oils, the olive oil. The oil and apply it on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes a day to massage. It is very effective in removing dark spots and provides moisture to the skin, causing the skin does not callousness.

lavender oil

Take lavender oil and mix it with olive oil and put it on stretch marks. 5 to 6 drops of lavender oil to mix with 2 to 3 drops of olive oil to massage and stretch marks on the skin. Massage for about 20 minutes during the day can thus. Using this method daily, and then see the difference.

Almond Oil

Almond oil is known for its beauty-enhancing properties. It came after pregnancy stretch marks quite effectively removes. Vitjrm the oil and add the olive oil with the almond oil. Find Stretch Marks on the mixture. Massage for a few minutes and leave it overnight.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil can be significantly reduced by the use of the stretch marks. Jojoba oil with lavender and patchouli oil Mix and regularly massage it on the affected part to lighten the stains. These 1: 2: 3 ratio mix.

Vitjrm oil

Vitjrm equal amounts of oil and rose oil Menmi bring together and this mixture and apply it on the affected part. The oil massage at least two weeks, you will get better results.

Apricot Oil

Apricot oil proves very effective in removing stretch marks is the mark. This natural oil plays an important role in skin tightening and skin to stretch it to control the level is used.

Sesame oil

It is a natural oil like apricot oil plays a major role in skin tightening. It is very beneficial in skin whitening. Take a small amount of the oil and massage it for 10 to 15 minutes. For better results, repeat this process 3 to 4 times a week to try.


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