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Hair loss and treatment

Every person that is groping thick black hair. Nobody wants that premature loss of hair / Hair loss due to the age of 25 to 40 years to appear. Scalp hair loss or hair loss at a young age to be the very tension that is problem. Today, the problem is growing very rapidly in the youth. Child Jhdna become almost a common problem, yet people do not make any effort to stop it.

Hair loss and treatment

The cause premature hair loss and its prevention has been more information below.

Premature loss of hair / Hair loss due to

So every day, such as the logo is some evidence on the hair falling over if the evidence is necessary to pay attention so soon. The many causes of premature hair loss and learn more about those reasons are given below.

Genetic / Hereditary: Heredity is the main cause of hair loss, the untimely. Often, the premature loss of hair is like a family tradition in the ongoing uncool. Grandfather of a family - the father - son is the same hair loss, which is also known as male patterned baldness. A particular gene or chromosome that caused this problem in a family, all people are equal.

Diet / Diet: Body hair-like organs that remain too dark and dense for Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein etc. that are required. Hair loss at equilibrium and is set to take nutritious diet.

Telogen Effluvium: Telogen Effluvium is a problem of hair loss in which the evidence is much quicker and more. This problem after pregnancy, after a major operation, more stress, more weight loss or the reasons may be as much labor. This is a side-effect of medication like painkillers or relaxation may also be engaged.

Hormonal Imbalance: Hormones in the body, sudden or unusual changes occur due to the physical chemistry of the evidence can lead to hair loss. Thyroid Hormone Hypothyroidism in women who say that the reduction is due Hair loss. In women exhaustion, without causing weight gain, depression, weakness and skin symptoms such as dry be advised that according to the doctor to diagnose Hypothyroidism Blood test (Thyroid Profile) must make. Blood deficiency (Anemia), Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, Dandruff, Chemotherapy and Auto Immune Disorder Hair loss is higher than these reasons.

Routine / Lifestyle: hair that just do not care, long-term place to stay with sun and dust, soil, excessive stress, incomplete sleep and sedentary life is Hair loss from such reasons. Kangi repeatedly, the different colors or chemical figure, many more reasons to be using oil and shampoo hair loss is more than.
Premature loss of hair / Hair loss prevention measures

Premature loss of hair / Hair loss to stop that before it is necessary to know which of the above reasons is causing your hair to fall over. Hair loss treatment may not be the root cause is difficult to stop. Hair loss treatment with the root cause given below by using other measures of prevention Hair loss can.

Vegetables in your diet, salad, sprouts cereal, seasonal fruit, and High Protein Diet should take. You Anns, Avla, Carrot, Oats, spinach, tomatoes, peas, onion, ginger, beans and soybeans should take more. Rich in protein intake do things it Folikals hair strong. Hair to grow and be strong Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B COMPLEX, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Iron that require special, so the grain in the diet which requires the inclusion of all food items that are abundant .

High Protein Diet for Hair growth can be extremely important. That contains less protein in the diet. To abundant protein in breakfast cereal sprouts, green gram, flax seeds, milk, soybeans should take. Indian food is always on the inclusion of lentils dal dal thin that place should be hard. Snacks at the fast food place that should be roasted peanuts or gram. 1/4 part wheat flour to make bread in the bread should make soybean flour mixture.

If you exhaustion, without causing weight gain, depression, weakness and dry skin symptoms like to advise that the doctor to diagnose if Hypothyroidism Blood test (Thyroid Profile) must make. Hypothyroidism in women is the leading cause of hair fall special. If you are bothered by the problem Dandruff treatment provided by the doctor. That your doctor advises you to get rid of Dandruff accordance with Ketoconazole shampoo twice a week can use.

After Pregnancy is seen that many women Hair loss is more. It is the reason Iron, Calcium, Protein deficiency that. During Pregnancy, Breast feeding time and then 3 months later Iron, Calcium, Protein should be abundant. Hair loss is even greater after Typhoid infection. Balanced diet and nutrition is also important.
Auto Immune Disorder suffer from a person that is upset because they Hair Fall 1 Cmchc ashwagandha powder with honey twice a day should be taken.

Male Patterned Baldness If you have the problem that you consult your doctor about Minoxidil (1-10%) with access to oil. A 1 ml volume in the morning and at night, where she planted the hair down. Heart and kidney disease patients not to use it.
Many medications also cause hair fall is more or stress medication such as painkillers. If you have any more hair fall after taking the drug inform your doctor if you have problems.

Frequent hair washing hair hurts. Most people show their hair beautiful and healthy again and to more chemical use shampoo for hair washing but remains the best use of amla powder and Arita. Also the use of shampoo to wash hair in the low Kemicls. Shampoo and conditioner do not change frequently. Do not use conditioner if your hair is oily.

Wet hair / Wet hair dried from the rest of clothes. Kangi in wet hair does not. Wet hair is fragile and can easily break or fall off. Dato Kangi coarse to use the Kanga. After drying the hair to hair that nice massage. Coconut oil massage Blood circulation to the hair follicles that grow hair is growing and becoming stronger.

Do not use hot water on hair. More dry and fragile hair with warm water to become cold or lukewarm Haksnan / lukewarm water to use.
At least once a week Shankpushpi remains real and pure powder mixed with a little water and keep the hair roots. Also alba powder mixed eat little mole. Onion juice and apply on hair hair loss is less. The Ayurvedic treatment your hair naturally healthy and strong will.

You hair with pure Aloe vera gel can also massage twice a week. After two hours of massage and leave it as it is not clear warm hair. Doing so increases hair growth and hair that is strong.

Before you shampoo to keep hair dry hair prior to shampoo hair Jdnhe seem so warm Olive oil or Coconut oil to the massage. Massage oil in the hair roots well before bedtime should be. This not only strengthens the roots of the hair, but the hair starts to shine too.

Repeated attempts to change hair color does not give separate chemical. Hair Straightening away with. These hair loss experience.
Much time left to live in the harsh sun. Dust, soil and rain water to protect hair.
Hair is a direct connection from the stomach. If the digestive tract and digestion is not good then the hair roots are vulnerable to persistent constipation hair breakage and the hair follicles become weak start Jdnhe. So your diet and keep Hajme always right.

Premature loss of hair / Hair Loss Hair Transplant also because he may have upset the young. Hair Transplant is a simple and permanent cure to get rid of baldness. In a special article on Hair Transplant few days is going to be published on the Health blog.
Tea, coffee, tobacco, betel, chilies, spices, etc. stay away from drugs.
Regular exercise. Blood circulation in the body properly is to exercise regularly and keep you healthy.

Hair loss starts at the same time immediately take precautions and appropriate measures to prevent it. Hair loss is more difficult to take the doctor's advice immediately.


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