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Caffeine-free coffee is beneficial for liver

Caffeine-free coffee is beneficial for liver

A research has shown that drinking coffee Kafinrhit liver (liver) is beneficial for. In addition to the caffeine found in coffee other components that reduce abnormal levels of liver enzymes. According to the study, it suggests that other chemicals found in coffee other than caffeine may help protect the liver. Bethesda, Maryland-based National Cancer Institute, said Jiao Qian, former research has found that coffee drinking may affect liver protection Prr effective. However, it was not clear whether the Kafinrhit coffee drinkers can have the most impact? For the study, researchers in the US National Health and Nutrition Survey Aksamineshn (Anacaanis) data collected from. He was 20 27 793 participants aged coffee drinkers had a 24 hour period.

The team examined the liver health of Minotronsfres (ALT), Minotronsfres (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma Glutamil Tronsminej (Jijiti) system, including the liver function blood levels measured in several places. The study found that participants who had three cups or more cups of coffee per day, those ALT, AST, ALP and Jijiti levels, compared to those drinking less coffee. Kafinrhit coffee drinkers, researchers found low levels of these enzymes in the liver. Jiao said, according to our results Kafinshit and drinking coffee Kafinrhit hepatic enzyme levels are low. These data show that possibly present components in coffee other than caffeine are healthy for the liver. These components are needed to identify and study. The study "Hipatoloji" published in the journal.


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